A bleg for Tamara

I’m sure many of my readers know (or know of) Tamara, who has a vast online presence ranging from her blog, ‘View From The Porch‘, to Facebook, to forums, to writing articles for various publications.  I’ve known her in the flesh since the early 2000’s, and greatly envy her gift of snark.

Tam recently found a nasty growth on her face, and had a torrid time getting it biopsied and analyzed.  Well, the analysis is back.  It’s a basal-cell carcinoma, which she’ll now have to have removed.  She seems to be taking it in moderately good spirits, but I’m sure she’d appreciate a kind word from those who enjoy her writing.

The thing is, Tam doesn’t have medical insurance.  She’s self-employed, and like many of us in these trying economic times, she doesn’t have much in the way of reserves to cover a medical issue like this.  Therefore, I’d like to issue a bleg.  Would those of my readers who also enjoy her writing please consider making a donation to her medical costs?  On her blog, you’ll find her ‘Tip Jar’, circled in red below:

If you click on that link, you’ll be able to donate via PayPal.  May I please ask you to consider it?  Tam’s enriched so many of us with her sarcastic sense of humor that I think a small return on that is the least we can do.  She also provides an e-mail address if you’d like to write to her, rather than leave a comment on her blog.



  1. Done. Also I stole your picture for use on my blog. Maybe one of my 3 friends who read it will donate as well:)

  2. My basal cell surgeries were about $2K each. With all the followup, maybe $3k. Supporting her in this is very feasible.

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