A grim reminder, courtesy of the Baltimore riots

Courtesy of The Bearded Backyarder:

I’ve written previously about this issue.  If you don’t keep adequate stocks of ammunition on hand, then when the proverbial brown substance hits the rotary air impeller (as it did in Baltimore over the past week or so), you may not be able to buy what you need.  At that point, it’s probably also too late to ask friends and family to ‘fix you up’.  They’re going to want to keep their stocks intact for their own use – and I don’t blame them.



  1. We don't have much, with a baby in the NICU and housing repairs, money is tight. But we try to at least buy a box or two every payday, it adds up over time.

  2. I'll bet the sporting goods stores were still selling baseball bats. Likely, the gas stations were still selling gasoline.

    This is just stupid. It's like the automotive isle not selling oil because you really need an oil change and aren't just getting it because you like clever oil marketing.

    And it is even stupider to wait for an emergency to try to get emergency supplies. If there is anything on your "can't live without" list, you should probably already have some.

  3. This is really no different than any other item in a increased demand but restricted supply situation. Be it bottled water or feminine hygiene products if supply is iffy then normal demand will clear the shelves. Stripped shelves will, in turn, heighten demand. Note trend.

    The obvious take away is that yesterday is the best time to buy almost anything. Since that can't be done then today is when you should be purchasing for tomorrow.

    We rarely buy any shelf stable product because we're out. We buy because we're, for example, down to two bottles of mayo in the larder (or ### rounds of 223). We're not hording because we only buy for our own use when supplies are flush and demand low. Anybody can do the same.

    I hope to die with full shelves and the knowledge that I wasted that money.

  4. Sherm:

    The sign wasn't clear on why. The local authorities tell the stores that they will cease to sell ammo and guns until further notice.

    Oh, think you can just run over to the next town? HA! When the Rodney King riots broke out in LA in '92, SAN JOSE/San Francisco and other areas did the same thing. Even if you had a gun waiting at the store to be picked up, they weren't allowed to release it. Essentially, they told any business that sold guns or ammo to close their doors.

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