I enjoyed this video documentary about a team of skateboarders who decided, on a whim, to skateboard the length of Vietnam. Skateboarding magazine wrote:
We probably should have intervened when our Senior Photographer Jonathan Mehring got together with the globetrotting filmer Patrik Wallner to concoct some harebrained excursion to another third world country for a skateboarding trip, especially when they started throwing motorbikes into the mix. But as they say, the bigger the risk, the bigger the reward, which is probably why the likes of Jerry Hsu, Keegan Sauder, Joey Pepper, Javier Mendizibal and Michael “Michi” Mackrodt were game to accompany them on this journey down nearly the entire length of Vietnam despite some of their limited past experience with riding motorbikes.
They were woefully unprepared and far too casual about the whole affair, but as the saying goes, “God looks after fools and horses”. Someone was certainly looking out for this bunch! Here’s how it went. I recommend watching it in full-screen mode.
Yep, they are lucky they survived… And the total lack of planning was amazing!
So if we can send five skateboarders to Vietnam, how about we send the rest of them there?
Yup, Murphy's law that'd be good for both America and Vietnam.
They could use the skate boards to find 45 year old mines instead of some poor innocent kid whose parents weren't even born during the "conflict" getting wasted whikle riding a water buffalo.
America would be free of those little obnoxious brats who think they own every sidewalk and public park in town.
I'm envious. To be young and adventurous is a wonderful trait some may call foolhardiness but I wished that I could have a little of that spirit.
Wonderful video as always and thanks for sharing.
Thanks for the video. I was going to send the link to my grandkids, but I'm glad I watched the whole thing. I don't think my daughter would speak to me again.
For the correct way to do it see Long Way Round and Long Way Down with Ewan McGreger