Yesterday I reported on a rather grotesque statue in Romania. In a comment to that article, reader Perlhaqr said:
Google “Chevy on a Stick Albuquerque” for an example of some of the local wastes of money I live near.
How could I resist? I duly entered it into my browser’s search bar, and was rewarded with several references to this monstrosity: says of it:
The name of this sculpture is Cruising San Mateo I. However, it is popularly known around town as “Chevy on a Stick.” It was erected as part of a street-widening project on Gibson Boulevard (at San Mateo). Some citizens objected to the cost, others to the aesthetics. However, now it has become treasured by the people, and is frequently voted “Best in ‘Burque” in the local alternative newspaper, The Alibi.
There’s more at the link, including more photographs.
I can only express my deepest sympathies to Perlhaqr for the injuries inflicted upon his artistic sensibilities every time he has to drive past it!
It looks great compared to this:
Ah, gotta love Quirky 'Burke! I'll have to go look for that next time I'm working there.
I was raised just one block from there- it's accross the street from the VA Hospital, KAFB, and what used to be the world famous Lovelace Clinic. It was a great place to grow up in the 50's and 60's.
Somehow, for Albuquerque anyway, the Chevy on a Stick works- looks good towering over the Taco Stand below it..