I’m profoundly sorry that the Trayvon Martin affair ever happened . . . but it’s revealed the fault lines in our society very clearly. That may be an unanticipated, yet very beneficial result. People are finally being forced to confront the real ‘racism’ in our society – namely, racism by black radicals against any and all other races in the country.
Two articles in particular have offered good analyses of this reality, from different perspectives. First, Victor Davis Hanson does his usual brilliant job of analysis.
It is clear now that the African-American civil-rights hierarchy is concerned largely with maintaining power and influence by promulgating the theme of unending white racism — and the need for its exclusive agency to find redress and reparations from that eternal fact. That is a serious charge, but one easy to substantiate — whether we compare the commensurate outrage accorded the Duke case, the Skip Gates mess, the Tawana Brawley hoax, or the present Trayvon Martin tragedy, with the veritable neglect about the carnage of young African-American males in our cities, or the deliberate distortion that white-on-black crime is an epidemic when, in fact, black-on-black crime is — in addition to the fact of vastly higher incidences of black-on-white crime.
And the professional grievance industry has achieved many of its aims. The latter common occurrences earn scant public attention; the former rare incidents, lurid hysteria. The disturbing truth is that to examine the black-on-black crime might raise uncomfortable inferences that such violence cannot be entirely explained by contemporary racism, and arises from issues as wide-ranging as illegitimacy, male parenting, literacy, education, family structure, disproportionate rates of criminality and drug use, misogyny in popular culture, etc. — crises that often demand more than just government attention and funding.
There’s more at the link.
From a less academic, but much more ‘street-wise’ perspective, Fred Reed offers these thoughts:
The web groans under furious denunciations of Zimmerman as a racist, cracker, redneck thug, bigot. Various blacks vow revenge. The characteristic self-pity and sense of victimhood run in full flood without a trace of thought. If Jesse Jackson has been quoted correctly, he said, “blacks are under attack” and “targeting, arresting, convicting blacks and ultimately killing us is big business.” Oh sure. Jackson, no fool, knows better, but plies his trade.
Practically speaking, it doesn’t matter what happened to Trayvon. Millions of blacks are going to believe that an innocent upstanding young black kid was murdered by a racist white because he as black. The view is visceral, irrational, unconcerned with facts, and based on the bedrock of the understanding of blacks: We are victims of Whitey.
The facts are that racial attacks by blacks against whites, against Asians, are far, far more common than attacks by whites or Asians against blacks. A glance at the FBI’s Uniform Crime Reports, or the National Crime Victimization Survey, makes this obvious. Every cop knows it. I suspect that almost everyone knows it, though many don’t want to say it.
Where does this lead?
A symptom of the underlying corruption of American society is that in matters racial neither the government nor the media are impartial. Both (if one regards media and government as separate entities) carefully bury horrific crimes by blacks against whites and Asians while amplifying any crime, real or imagined, by whites against blacks. This has gone on so long that whites in general must be aware of it.
But what effect does this highly directed coverage have on blacks of no education? On those who can’t read or who read so poorly that they don’t? In eight years as police reporter for the Washington Times, I went into many homes of urban blacks who had called the cops. I do not recall ever seeing a book. We are speaking of a people whose only source of information is television.
Which tells them over and over that innocent blacks are being killed, beaten, jailed, and falsely accused. Disposed to self-pity and more emotional than reasoning, they readily accept this message. It comes often from prominent blacks who maintain their power by ridiculous warnings of genocide and the like.
In all the outpourings of fury from blacks over the shooting, I have not encountered the slightest appreciation that it might have been a matter of self-defense. Not the slightest recognition that blacks indeed commit a great deal of violent crime and that whites might reasonably be wary of hooded young black males. The races are on utterly different pages.
Where does this leave us? The racial impasse is just that, an impasse, and not getting better. The hatred is deep and wide-spread.
Again, more at the link.
I believe both Mr. Hanson and Mr. Reed have the right of it. Their articles are well worth reading in full, and I hope you’ll share them with your family and friends. We need to be very conscious of the reality of racism in this country . . . and be prepared for what may happen if those who’ve done so much to whip it up, and keep it at boiling point, unleash it against those they perceive as political opponents or ‘targets of opportunity’.
In preparation for that event (which I believe is likely to happen in at least some cities in the not too distant future), I suggest you read my articles (listed in the sidebar) on firearms and self-defense; also this recent article by Kirby Ferris.
I fear for this country. I, like many, get so tired of hearing about how racist we are. I don't really care what a person looks like. If they are quiet and keep their yard and house up, I don't care what someone looks like that moves in next to me.
Black "leadership" is going to have to answer for their race-baiting. If not in this life – then the next.
Linked back from my place.