Jet boat racing again

I’ve posted on two occasions about the spectacular accidents jet boat racers can sometimes experience. Now, here’s a video showing how a course should be tackled. It’s accident-free, but just as spectacular!

That’s got to be one of the greatest adrenaline rushes ever! I wonder what the G-forces are through some of those very tight corners? It looks to be enough to require a G-suit!



  1. Based on the kids in shifter carts, I'd estimate 2-4 lateral G; a G-suit wouldn't do too much good because the acceleration is in the wrong direction. i.e. There isn't much vertical acceleration to cause blood to pool in their legs, which is the problem g-suits are meant to address.

    A very well-designed seat and harness to keep from beating your ribs to death, that would certainly be a good idea.


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