For photography fans

I’ve recently discovered a most fascinating site for those interested in architectural photography. It’s Tom Fletcher’s New York Architecture. It has literally thousands of images of New York City, in color and black-and-white, arranged by landmark and by theme. One could spend hours browsing through it – I have! Highly recommended viewing for those interested in the subject.

I found his collection of historical black-and-white images of New York most interesting. I’ve taken the liberty of reproducing a few here, just to give you a taste of the many, many more to be found on his site.

Herald Square, 1895

Fifth Avenue, Easter 1900

Lower Manhattan, 1928

Arm wrestling in Harlem

Metropolitan Opera, 1937

Pike & Henry, Lower East Side

Fascinating pictures! I hope they make you want to go and view the rest of his site. It’s worth the visit.


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