Doofus Of The Day #43

Our nameless hero had his friends film this incident. Note that he acted voluntarily and of his own free will. (I don’t say that he did so in his right mind, because after watching this clip, I doubt very much whether he has a right mind!)

Amazingly, he walked away with only a broken rib. What’s that old saying about God looking after fools and horses?



  1. The French have a word for this: cretin.
    I guess the guy thought he’d just hit the slope and ski away…
    I don’t know if God was looking out for this fool, but he’s damn lucky either way.

  2. Wow. Just wow. Maybe he could re-do it, this time from an airplane. He had to be getting close to his terminal velocity…..


  3. From one of the angles, it appeared that he landed head first into the snow. Probably why he wasn’t killed, I guess, nothing up there to risk and it acted as a cushion.

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