As mentioned in yesterday evening’s report, today was more blogger get-together goodness. Lawdog arrived late in the morning, followed by the fatal Phlegm, and we enjoyed brunch together, courtesy of Holly‘s cooking (superb, as always). JPG‘s other son also arrived for a Father’s Day visit while we were eating, and took little persuading to join us.
After digesting our meal and batting the breeze for a while, we headed out to a local farm where targets have been set up to form a casual, come-as-you-are shooting range. We spent several hours shooting all sorts of fun things: a snub-nose .38 Special with Crimson Trace grips (which seems to have persuaded JPG and Lawdog that these things definitely have their place on such small guns), a Colt Trooper, a lovely S&W J-frame .22 revolver with 4″ barrel (belonging to JPG, and after which, I must confess, I now lust!), a Colt 1911 in .38 Super, an FN FNP-40, a Kel-Tec PF9, a Browning BuckMark .22, a Browning Hi-Power in 9mm., a Henry .22 lever-action rifle and a Mossberg 500 20ga. shotgun. This was Phlegm’s first experience with a shotgun, and she did extremely well.
We got back a short while ago. Visiting will doubtless continue late into the evening. For that reason, blogging is light tonight, and will be until I get home tomorrow evening sometime.
Hope y’all had as fun a weekend as your friendly bloggers!
I thank you for your patient instruction on the shotgun operation. I am looking forward to building on the plinth we established this day. It’s always a joy to be in your company.
This was a thoroughly delightful day.