This must have been interesting!

From Fox News we learn that a Philadelphia high school was closed today when early arrivals found fifty-odd chickens running around the premises. They’d apparently been released there during the weekend, and droppings, feathers and the odd egg or two were all over the place. Students were sent home while the mess was cleaned up.

I’m sorry, but I just can’t help myself . . .

News reports about the matter may have been guilty of egg-zaggeration.

Police are investigating whether to charge the guilty parties with a felony or a misdemeanor. The latter is most likely – after all, this was a poultry offence!

The students were appre-hen-sive about being cooped up all day, but they needn’t have worried.

Go on, add your own puns in the Comments section. I dare you! Do your worst!



  1. Officials egg-spect to re-open the school at 3 o’bawk, but the time the school opens depends largely on the beak-ers in the Science Lab. Officials commended the students for not going off half-cocked about the whole situation, but did reprimand some male students for standing around and looking at chicks instead of clearing the area.

  2. Overzealous school officials recommend def-hen-estration of the guilty parties who, after being identified, had egg on their faces. They made a clean breast of their crimes after trying to leg it away from police. Shots were fired during the apprehension, resulting only in one of the culprits being winged in the thigh. The culprits were finally captured after trying to push their way through a door, not realizing they were meant to pullet.

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