The gun control legislation being put forward by the new Democratic-dominated government of Virginia echoes and extends measures already implemented in other anti-gun and anti-Second-Amendment entities such as California, the city of Washington D.C., and many other jurisdictions. Their common feature is that they seek to demonize gun owners, in so many words, as threats to public safety and security simply because they dare to own – much less use – firearms. This even includes disparaging their mental health.
Those of us living in firearm-friendly jurisdictions have probably not given much thought to how our lives may change if such measures come to our region . . . but that’s unwise. Demographic changes in our electorate, the incessant onslaught of anti-gun propaganda in the mainstream media and from the political left, and other factors, mean that we can’t take our rights and freedoms for granted. Even pro-individual-rights, pro-Second-Amendment Supreme Court rulings such as Heller, McDonald and Caetano may be undermined or even overturned, if a liberal/progressive majority of judges are appointed to that body.
I’m not going to bother to list all the restrictions that inhibit firearms ownership and use in liberal/progressive jurisdictions. Anyone can look up the firearms laws of California, or Washington D.C., and see for themselves. There are also any number of articles, commentaries, etc. in firearms publications, discussing the situation. What I’d like to consider here are the practical implications of such measures in areas that are currently free of them, for the individual gun-owner. What can you and I can do to minimize their impact on us?
The first thing to consider is that firearms ownership as such will be demonized. This can, and probably will, include measures such as:
- Declaring firearms ownership a public health issue, and having doctors, educators and other practitioners ask intrusive questions of you, your spouse and your children (even in your absence) over whether or not you own guns;
- “Red Flag Laws” allowing authorities to confiscate firearms from anyone on the basis of allegations against them, which need not necessarily be proven before the firearms are taken (i.e. guilt is assumed, rather than demonstrated);
- Public “education” campaigns ascribing crime and violence to the mere presence of guns, whether or not a specific gun (i.e. yours) is used to commit a crime;
- Refusing to focus on the problem of criminality and individual responsibility for it, and instead ascribing crime to an unthinking object such as a firearm (i.e. “the gun made him do it”, just as if a car forced him to drive drunk);
- Restrictions on the legal circumstances where it’s permissible to carry and/or use a firearm for self-defense (including imposing a legal “duty to retreat” rather than defend yourself, even on your own property);
- Making it as difficult as possible to buy a firearm, and obtain official sanction to carry and/or use it, even for training or sport.
Next, the anti-gunners will try to make it as difficult as possible to introduce firearms ownership to non-shooters. They don’t want people to know that shooting can be fun, as well as a useful tool in one’s box. Therefore, look for restrictions on who may borrow a gun, and under what circumstances, or preventing a child from using a parent’s firearm even under their supervision. That’s a good way to ensure that those who don’t know, won’t be allowed to find out.
Another area of restriction is ammunition purchases and storage. California is perhaps furthest down this road at the time of writing, with a requirement for background checks before being allowed to purchase so much as a single round; no bulk purchases of ammo except through licensed dealers; and restrictions on private sales between individuals. Other states are considering similar measures. Another tactic that’s receiving greater attention, and may become more of a problem, is limits on the amount of ammunition that may be stored in private homes, and restrictions on how it must be stored “for safety”. These can be communicated as necessary for public safety (i.e. “firefighters can’t be expected to fight fires in buildings that may contain dangerous quantities of ammunition!”) or to prevent crimes (“criminals will steal the ammunition and use it to reload their guns!”). Look for them in HOA bylaws, local regulations, fire marshal requirements, etc.
You can also expect insurance companies to be co-opted by the authorities to assist in such efforts. (If you doubt that, consider that major banks have already been co-opted in this way.) What if your insurance company denied you coverage if you have more than a certain number of firearms, or a given quantity of ammunition, in your possession? What if the authorities track your purchases (easy enough to do, both through Form 4473 records of purchases from dealers, and from credit card records showing when and where you bought ammunition) and make that information available to insurers? What if insurers insist that if you won’t provide that information, they won’t cover you – and if, after a claim, it emerges that you’ve been untruthful or exceeded the limits they apply, what if they refuse to pay?
Any or all of those measures may be expected if your jurisdiction becomes more anti-gun. I fear many of us will find that out out the hard way in future years. The question thus becomes, what can we do about it? I wrote a few weeks ago about some measures we can take. I strongly suggest that you read that article, and implement those of its suggestions that are practical for you. Here are a few more ideas, over and above those.
First, make sure you’ve stockpiled as much ammunition as you reasonably expect to need for the foreseeable future, and can afford. Ammo is expensive, and therefore this may not be feasible for many people. That’s something you’ll have to decide for yourself. At the very least, I suggest you build up a stash of the really important ammo – i.e. purpose-specific rounds such as defensive hollowpoints or soft-point hunting cartridges – and store it securely.
As far as practice ammunition is concerned, this is essential, and in large quantities if you want to be serious about your use of firearms. However, such quantities may exceed legal restrictions, and they’re very expensive. Therefore, look at cheaper (and more legal) alternatives. I’ve already discussed the use of .22LR weapons for training and defense, as well as BB and Airsoft guns. I strongly recommend that you read that article, if you haven’t already done so, and plan on doing something similar. That doesn’t only apply to handguns, either – see, for example, this article about “mini-sniping” with airguns (which is a wonderful sport and training tool, and can be done without high-end rifles or scopes, even in your own back yard in many jurisdictions.). I have .22LR revolvers, semi-auto pistols, lever-action rifles and semi-auto rifles. I use them to maintain my proficiency with their full-size, full-power brethren – but at a current cost of just 4c-6c per round, buying quality ammo in bulk (CCI’s Mini-Mag, Standard Velocity or Blazer, or Federal’s Automatch, are my go-to choices). That’s many times cheaper than the full-patch stuff!
BB or Airsoft handguns are even cheaper to operate; less than 1c per round overall. You may not be able to afford 1,000 rounds of 9mm. ammunition every year for training, but you can probably afford 5,000 BB’s every year, plus the gas cylinders needed to operate the “toy” gun that fires them! A BB handgun like this Umarex copy of the Smith & Wesson M&P pistol (shown below – that’s what I currently use) will take care of many training needs at minimal cost – and it won’t violate any local regulations or insurance conditions about firearms or ammo storage, either.
Some object that a BB or Airsoft weapon doesn’t reproduce the sound or recoil of the “real thing”, and it’s therefore not fully realistic training. They’re right – but so what? Trigger time is trigger time. If you can reliably, on demand, hit what you’re aiming at, at realistic distances, with a low-power practice weapon, it won’t take much time with a full-power weapon to replicate that skill. I train enough with full-power ammo that I have no qualms about defending myself – but I train a heck of a lot more with low-power stuff, because it’s what I can afford, and it helps keep my basic skills honed. Realistic reproductions such as that illustrated above even let you practice draw-and-shoot, weapon retention, and other skills, just as you would with a full-power handgun. You can get BB gun versions of many popular handguns – see, for example, Umarex’s product line – so the feel of the training gun approximates what you carry. What’s not to like?
Even nicer is that one can use such weapons to teach others how to shoot, without violating local laws or regulations that may forbid handing them an actual firearm. They can get most of the basics right before needing or wanting to use the real thing. When that time comes . . . well, I’m not going to counsel anyone to break the law, for obvious reasons, but there are ways. A quick trip across state lines to shoot at a range over there, or with a friend, perhaps?
You may find some currently legal firearms or components are suddenly rendered illegal at the stroke of some legislator’s pen. (Virginia’s current shenanigans are a good example, where suppressors and large-capacity magazines – previously legal – are set to be banned.) You’ll have to decide for yourself whether you’re going to obey such restrictions. If you are, you’ll probably need to get your soon-to-be-restricted items out of state, perhaps to a friend who’ll keep them safe for you. You can use them there from time to time. If you prefer to keep them, be advised you may be putting yourself and your family in legal peril. Purchases can be traced through credit card records, etc. – even online photographs, as one New Zealand gun owner just found out the hard way. Suppressors are federally licensed and recorded, so yours will be on paper somewhere.
Expect anti-gunners to raid owners of such “evil” items, partly for public relations purposes, partly for their own entertainment. Plan accordingly – and don’t expect to be able to conceal them easily. I’ve been part of prison search teams, and the cops also train for such things. Any easy-to-access hiding place you can think of can (and probably will) be found. Again, plan accordingly. (Also, don’t lie to the authorities – that’s often a criminal offense in itself. If you’re asked “Do you have X, or Y, or Z?”, and you do, don’t answer “No” – you’re setting yourself up for big trouble. Rather refuse to answer the question, and insist on your lawyer being present before you will. Your Fifth Amendment rights are there for a reason.)
You should also find locations where you can safely train with your weapons. If they involve firearms or accessories (e.g. magazines, suppressors, etc.) that are declared illegal, you can’t take them to a regular gun range – the proprietors will almost certainly report them to the authorities, and/or call the authorities to drop by and confiscate them. (They’ll have no choice in the matter. It’ll be a case of “Cooperate, or we’ll close you down”.) As a useful general principle, scout around for areas of public land that are remote from dwellings or nearby activities, where it’s legal to shoot, and where the noise of shooting won’t attract undue attention. Remember, too, that wildlife agents and their ilk may be encountered when you least expect them. Also, watch out for surveillance from drones. They’ve already been encountered by shooters in wildlife areas in at least three states, to my certain knowledge. It’s a cheap, easy way for Big Brother to keep an eye on remote areas – and those who frequent them.
Finally, for those who can afford it, it’s possible to store a backup gun or guns at other locations. Friends, a place of work, a storage unit, a buried cache in a safe place (just make sure it really is a safe place) – whatever floats your boat. There are obvious security risks involved, and you don’t want to put a friend in a position where he may go to jail because of your gun; so choose carefully and wisely. I know one individual who currently has no less than eleven such “backup stashes”, involving both handguns and long guns, complete with magazines, ammunition, holster, accessories and cleaning gear for each one. All his “stash guns” are off-paper (i.e. bought privately for cash, with no records to indicate that he owns them). He may be a bit paranoid . . . but then, considering the state in which he lives, maybe he isn’t. If things go to hell in a hand-basket, he fully expects to lose half to three-quarters of them (or, at the very least, be unable to access them securely and discreetly); but with so many caches, he’s banking on at least a few of them remaining intact and accessible.
(If you go that route, plan on occasional “maintenance visits” to clean and check at least some of the firearm[s] concerned, and possibly to test-fire them and replace older ammunition with new supplies. Exercise caution and discretion when doing so, for obvious reasons.)
I invite readers to contribute their own suggestions in Comments. Please remember, it’s illegal to encourage others to commit crimes, so be very careful how you phrase your remarks! You don’t want to find yourself targeted for loose talk.
The lesson of Virginia is that it can happen to anyone, anywhere. The questions are how this happens and how to avoid it.
This happens to you when you and your gun owner friends grow complacent. You are too busy, not at risk, no bad legislation will pass here, you’ve surely heard or maybe even used all of these and more excuses.
bad gun legislation passing in Virginia was impossible 20, 15, 10 even 5 years ago. In fact, it was so far out of people’s mind as to be considered silly. Because of this, general assembly members had established a status quo mentality much like Congress. Nothing controversial introduced or backed, and the courtesy would be extended when the other party took over. Republicans were either naive, didn’t care or just plain stupid.
pro-gun groups cannot be off the hook either because gun groups that advocate for the right to keep and bear arms should not and cannot accept this maintain the status quo positions. Do you really work to kick out a some time ally?
Tragically, the answer is yes.
Virginia will become a restrictive state in a mere 6 months because there is zero chance of opposing signature restriction laws. Not in the general assembly, not with the governor and don’t think Virgina courts will step in, they won’t. The VA Courts are notoriously hostile to ownership, use and the nebulous right enshrined in the Constitutions. Virginia is part of the 4th US Circus, which has long clung to the overturned “collective rights” theory of the 2nd Amendment and that position prevails in all Virginia courts up to the VA SC.
You cannot accept “this is as much as we could get out of this general assembly session” as acceptable.
Urban and suburban legislators in so called ’safe districts’ must be made to find new employment. You cannot simply ignore these safe district commissars and continue to keep your guns. The majority in all sate assemblies is going to change, period. it’s only a matter of when. If you don’t target these safe district legislators, you won’t be respected by so called moderates in the democratic party. Those sheep will simply go along with the safe district leaders and while that carried a stiff electoral price in 1994 in the US House, the political dynamic is not the same anymore. If safe district legislators are allowed to set the agenda and lead the sheep legislators, bad things happen.
Republican “allies” must have their feet held to the fire. Failure to carry or FULLY support legislation to advance RKBA needs to be dealt with harshly and immediately. Withdrawing endorsements, financial support and maybe even a primary challenge has to happen or you condition these so called “allies” to do it over and over again.
The news media, news outlets, are not and will not support you. There is no good reason to discuss gun issues with anyone in the media, ever. It doesn’t matter how good the reporter is, it doesn’t matter if they shoot with your local gun club, it doesn’t matter how many good articles they’ve written before, it matters that over 90% of the media are openly hostile to guns, firearms, weapons, and those who own them. A well written article still has to be edited and aired. Katie Couric and Sasha Cohen are prime examples of why gun owners should never engage with the media for an interview, article, news broadcast or commentary. Don’t be “that guy”. If you are offering up commentary or interviews with the media, you aren’t doing it for RKBA or gun owners, you’re doing it for yourself.
spend your time and effort in communication with legislators, when they do what you ask and when you channel your outrage when they don’t do what you want. gather your friends and do the same. Focus your energy and be vocal. Work with your regional pro-RKBA groups but don’t rely on them. Be courteous but firm in all your communications with legislators. Professional, express the personal impact but always keep things civil.
Do this, or end up like people in Virginia 6 months from now.
I don't own a gun, and don't expect to; I have financial problems, live in a low crime area, and have coordination issues. Clumsy people probably shouldn't own guns or power saws. But there's something people like me can do to help with this issue; if somebody asks you if you own a gun (and they have no legal reason to ask) tell them "None of your business". Yes, they will assume that you own a gun when you don't. Fine. Let them.
Join your state gun organizations. I'm thoroughly disgusted with the NRA and will not be joining, but I support CRPA (California Rifle & Pistol Assn) and contribute to SAF, among others.
Check out It's California's premier gun forum, and it's what you should be doing in your state, no matter how "free" you think it is.
Welcome to Massachusetts land of the regulated.
Solution Air rifle in suitable calibers like .177 for
plinking and .22 or larger for warm targets.
Why? While Ma is nuts and regulates everything a air
rifle is officially not a firearm and minimally regulated
(age of purchase and where used). So I may or may not
have firearms but I do shoot, a lot.
A good springer is around 15-18ft-pounds (1000fps and
8grain pellet) and a .22 can easily be in the 25-30ft/lb
range. That is sufficient to inflict serious injury or
worse so care (and all 4 rules) is warranted.
The MiniSniping is a good thing, I've been doing that for
years with Rugar/Umarx Springer 1000fps with 8gr pellet.
the only change I made beside using small targets is
adding moving ones. Chipmunks are a favorite as they
are a pest and destructive to gardens. take them at
10 to 25 yards is good sport and practice. After years
of practice first cold shot kill is expected. Never
underestimate what a good well placed pellet can do.
Make the back yard with good backstops a free hunting
and target zone.
With .22 or .25 caliber air rifle things can be in the
small game space easily.
Practice, then practice more. Air rifles of all sorts
are good for that and a few tins of pellets are cheap.
Been at it for about 45 years and still shooting iron
sights to 30 yards (space limit for yard) despite much
older eyes.
Knives. Be sure to have a number of knives, too.
In my state, there were lots of gun rules in the '60's. Dad put a rifle rack in his pickup, and put my (MY!?) Daisy Red Ryder BB gun in it. I protested, but Dad had a reason. When police saw a rack, and then saw that it was a BB gun, they left us alone. Didn't even ask Dad if he had anything else. Not that he did, of course. (cough)
Same with the rifle display cabinet at home – Dad put my brother's BB gun and his pellet rifle in there. The rifles were in the attic under fiberglass insulation, and the ammunition was in the garage under the assorted nut & bolt collection.
Be careful of the many conflicting laws on the subject. Don't expect logic to be much in evidence when it comes to anything that shoots, however "shoot" is defined.
For example, it is legal to purchase airguns in my CA town. They are sold in the sporting goods stores. However, it is illegal to possess them here. WTR?
This is not something that "can happen to anyone, anywhere".
This only happens because the so-called conservatives (you know, the people who proudly espouse smaller/limited government, 2A and other civil rights, etc, and who also religiously send all of their offspring to government schools so they can be indoctrinated as fellow traveling dutiful little communists) create the conditions which permit the displacement/replacement of their culture with those who are antithetically opposed to liberty.
Couple that with additional "conservative" politicians (including Reagan, Bush, et al) who have condoned and facilitated an alien invasion so that the left possesses a built-in voting bloc.
No, it just does not "happen". It happens when a society performs the actions that perpetrate self-destruction.
The majority of our culture has sent their children to learn how to become the enemy of their parents and their country. They have become children of the state with bedrooms at home.
You will only populate your culture with your people, or theirs.
Thank you for this post and the links to valuable related posts. I live in Colorado which has been slipping into Blue socialism. It happens so slowly that it is easy to miss, until you try to buy a gun, or gun supplies or ammunition. So, I am adding to my supply of beans and bullets, but am now trying to come up with the best way to store something which is often small, but very heavy. Your 3/5/2012 blog on how much ammunition is enough has a photo of a great storage solution, steel garage cabinets with locking doors. Unfortunately, the brand, dimensions and cost were not included. Any chance you would contact your friend for details? Eight years later would he change anything?
Thank you.
@Farmer J: No problem.
The steel cabinets were Sandusky units, 36x18x72":
Make sure to get the style with four free-standing shelves. They make a model with a fixed central shelf, but this will get in the way. You want to be able to take out all the shelves, and have a completely clear space, top to bottom.
Next, build a set of heavy-duty shelves INSIDE the cupboard. There are lots of options, but the ones illustrated were 36"x16"x72". You can get slightly larger cupboards (see options at the link above) if you want bigger shelves. This is similar to what was used in that illustration, although 18" deep, which may be too big:
Check the measurements carefully, to make sure the OUTSIDE dimensions of the shelving unit fit into the INSIDE dimensions of the cupboard, and that the doors will close on it. If necessary, buy a slightly larger cupboard (options at the first link) or slightly smaller shelving unit. You must be able to assemble the uprights, cross-pieces and shelves inside the cupboard, where space is tight. You don't want to leave space around the shelves, but you don't want them so big they won't assemble inside the cupboard. It's a delicate balancing act. A rubber mallet, strong muscles and a healthy vocabulary will help! (I speak from experience, having helped to assemble those cupboards and shelves.)
If you want to do it more simply, you can install wooden uprights the height and width of the sides of the cupboard, then have shelves cut to the right width and depth to fit across the cupboard. That also means you can cut to the exact dimensions you want, and not have to fiddle around with assembly of metal uprights and cross-pieces. Screw wood crosspieces onto the uprights on which to rest the shelves. They'll need to be thick, strong wood to take the strain of heavy ammo boxes, so I suggest 2" thick lumber.
When you've assembled the shelves, they'll take all the weight of the ammo, resting their uprights on the bottom of the cupboard, which will in turn be supported by the floor. If you plan to fill it up with lots of ammo (those shelves can support over a ton's weight), you'll need to put it on a floor that can support the load.
You can also put padlock hasps on the door for greater security (the standard cupboard locks are easily broken). These are available at any hardware store, as are padlocks.
Hope this helps.
Many sincere thanks for the details which will make the project much easier, Peter. With the constant onslaught of bad actors and bad actions in the news and world around us, your good work and kindness is a blessing to me.