A good introduction to European truck racing

I haven’t seen many references to it in the USA, but in Europe there’s an active truck racing circuit, with professional teams as well as enthusiastic amateurs.  Here’s a video clip with more information about it.

I’ve only been at one ‘truck meet’ like this, but the hair-raising antics of these battling behemoths were enough to make me a fan from the start!



  1. Truck racing had a brief moment in the sun in the late 70s / early 80s in conjunction with the Citizen's Band radio / Convoy / Smokey and the Bandit phase of American infatuation.

    What makes truck tractor racing really challenging is the relative lack of weight on the drive axle – in effect an unladen truck is rather like a badminton shuttlecock. The tractor relies on the weight of the trailer and cargo to develop traction – without that weight it's VERY easy to overcome the friction between the road and the drive tires, leading to the impressive spin-outs shown in the video.

    I've 'ground looped' an unladen tractor at low speeds on a slick parking lot…fun and scary at the same time!

  2. The truck racing I really enjoy are the Rally Car support trucks. Started as just friendly competition to get set up at the next local, and now they have their own division.


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