A happy and holy Christmas to all my readers

I don’t have a profound message for Christmas – it has its own.  I wrote about its very special meaning for me back in 2008, and I’ve never been able to improve on that;  so, if you haven’t read about ‘The Night Christmas Became Real‘, please follow that link and do so now.

As for the message of the season, I think Fr. John Foley SJ and his colleagues of the St. Louis Jesuits expressed it very beautifully in this song in 1977.  It can (and does) still move me to tears with its meditative, contemplative, prayerful insight.

May God bless each and every one of you this night with the joy of His presence.



  1. "May God bless each and every one of you this night with the joy of His presence."

    And the same to you and everyone else.

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