A miraculous escape

I was astonished to see a picture sequence of a skydiver whose parachute was struck by the wing of a plane as both landed at a Florida airport.  According to a news report, the skydiver was tossed 75 feet into the air, while the plane flipped and crashed – but both the skydiver and the pilot walked away with only minor injuries.

Here’s one of the pictures, greatly reduced in size to fit this blog.

And here’s a video report about the collision.


I think they should both buy lottery tickets.  With luck like that, they can’t lose!



  1. My question is: What was the skydiver doing, landing so close to an active runway? That's a steerable 'chute, which puts him in the wrong, as far as I can tell.

  2. He survived until that 87 year old gets a hold of him. I wonder if the guy jumps in front of trains as well, must be a real thrill.

  3. I always wonder why someone is told they should buy a lottery ticket after something extremely lucky happens to them. In my way of thinking they used up that luck to survive as they did. Better they should have stayed in bed that morning and sent someone out to buy the ticket for them. Just one more missed opportunity.

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