A real treat for Jethro Tull fans

I’m delighted to have come across the ‘Cup Of Wonder‘ Web site, built by a Dutch fan of the group Jethro Tull.  He’s put together a superb collection of information, including background information on Ian Anderson‘s lyrics that I’ve never seen elsewhere.  (For example, if you’ve ever wondered what the song ‘Roll Yer Own‘ on the album ‘Catfish Rising‘ was all about, here it is.  Warning – it’s X-rated!)

I found the Site Map the easiest way to navigate through everything that’s available.  For lyrics and details of what they mean, select the appropriate period, click on an album title, and scroll down to read the lyrics of each song.  Where text is underlined, click on it to read more about it.

There are also excellent collections of unreleased Tull tracks and video clips.  For example, I’d never heard of the group playing Bach’s Double Violin Concerto, but there’s a video clip of it from a 1985 concert that I thoroughly enjoyed.

All in all, I highly recommend ‘Cup Of Wonder‘ to all Jethro Tull fans.  Be prepared to lose several hours there!



  1. I've been a Tullhead for years(likely because they're one of a handful of bands that have been around longer than me). I can't thank you enough for finding this.

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