A spectacular musical display

This footage was released in January, but I missed it at the time.

A spectacular display of drone technology by Intel Corporation (USA) involving 100 small aircrafts being launched skywards in formation has earned a new world record title for the Most Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) airborne simultaneously.

Controlled on the ground by a crew using PCs with Intel software, the mass of drones lit up the night sky in sync to a live performance of Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony and executed a stunning light show resembling a fireworks display.

“Drone 100” took place at Flugplatz Ahrenlohe, Tornesch, Germany, in November … The record was set in collaboration with Ars Electronica Futurelab to push the limits of the UAV industry and to show what UAVs can be used for.

There’s more at the link.

Here’s the video.  Watch it in full-screen mode for best results.

I can’t help thinking that Beethoven would probably have enjoyed that augmented performance of his music.



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