A tactical rail for a tactical train – on a tactical rifle???


Given all our discussions about AR-15 rifles over the past year or two, I had to laugh out loud when I saw this picture on Reddit:

The original poster labeled it:  “Tactical rail or something, idk I’m not a gun guy”.

Commenters clearly enjoyed it, adding notes such as:

  • The most inventive dumb mod ive seen in a while. Have an upvote!
  • Picatrainy rail.
  • I approve. I sometimes zip tie an old-school kaleidoscope to the top of my AK. Improves my aim 1000%.
  • Choo choo mother ****ers!
  • This is a rail gun I can get behind.
  • Ah yes, the yeet cannon.
  • Very cool, but seems like it’d need some training to use properly.

As Lawdog would say, “Gigglesnort!”



  1. Oh, sorry, the BAFTE banned that.

    Tactical Bumper, don't you know…

    (on the train, durned foreigners…)

  2. Sorry, but that's a fail right there.

    If it was tactical rail, the engine and tender would be in MARPAT, OCP, flat black, or flat dark earth.

    Attempt: B+.
    Execution: D-.

    And that would be a Red BALL sight, not a red dot.

    Just saying.

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