A Venezuelan carjacking goes wrong

I think Massad Ayoob will regard this as a classic example of what he calls “a sudden and acute failure of the victim selection process”.  Warning – the video may disturb sensitive viewers.

Guess he won’t be hijacking any more cars . . .



  1. looks like the car driver drew and fired very quickly. Almost as if he was expecting the carjacker. Not sure how this video would do against a US Jury. Think Zimmerman/Martin.

    1. He looked like he was observant to me. Most likely saw someone coming up in mirror. SHOOT 'EM ALL

  2. A very alert armed citizen! I note that as thug 1 approaches the jeep, the driver already has his hand out the window at :35-36 (is there anything in the driver's hand?) before the thug pulls his gun out. Obviously he was watching his door mirror for a threat from behind.

    I would back into the parking space so that the threats are coming from the front. Also it is easier to enter the road.


  3. Rule #1: Always, always, always be aware of your surroundings and what's going on 360 degrees around you.

    Too many people are totally ignorant of their "zone" and that's all too often a fatal mistake.

    Cell phones are exacerbating this cluelessness by totally distracting the user with some stupid texting B.S.

  4. @Lee N.Field

    What is disturbing about that? Decent people finish off enemies lying on the ground, the moral thing to do is to not let them suffer needlessly.

    If you put an enemy horizontal, always remember to put one in the brain.

    Here's a neat video illustrating the concept:


  5. Hm, I thought Venezuela outlawed guns under Chavez? Guessing that fellow had "connections".

  6. Wonder what caliber how many shots were fired and where he was hit cause he dropped quick and did not move talk about dropping the hammer.

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