A worthy first effort

A few weeks ago I wrote about John Lott’s efforts to found the Crime Prevention Research Center, in particular to counteract the biased, inaccurate propaganda of anti-gun lobbying groups.

His new organization has just produced its first report, a very useful perspective showing how difficult it is to ‘profile’ mentally disturbed individuals and use that as a tool to prevent gun violence. You can find it here.  I highly recommend reading it in full, if only to equip yourself to answer the simplistic and biased harangues of those who seek to use tragedy as a means to achieve their political ends.

I’d also like to mention that Mr. Lott’s fund-raising efforts have so far brought in only about a tenth of the initial capital he’d like to have to place his new venture on a sound fiscal footing.  I’ve already contributed, and if you haven’t, I hope you’ll consider doing so.  I think this is a very worthwhile effort, as evidenced by this first timely report in the face of so recent a tragedy.  You’ll find the CPRC’s IndieGoGo fund-raising page here.


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