An agricultural aircraft – NOT!

Back in February 2008 I posted a video clip of a Russian Ilyushin Il-76 jet transport making a very, very long takeoff run from an Australian airport – so long that it gave the air traffic controllers quite a fright.

It seems that Russian pilots of these aircraft can be just as scary when landing them. Here’s a video of an Il-76 landing way too long on a runway – then seemingly the pilot loses control. All the action happens in the first minute; the rest of the clip (about another 7 minutes) shows the result, and the task of winching the plane out of the bushes.

If one has to have a close call aboard an aircraft, I don’t think they come much closer than that!



  1. That thing must be built like a tank!
    Most other aircaft would have lost a wing or one or more engine pods.

  2. Extended flare + lack of spoilers = this, I reckon. The Russians don't seem to have embraced the proactive flight safety culture common in the west.


  3. I could be wrong, but it's looking like he landed in a serious cross-wind. Like 15-25kt crosswind, where the cameraman was standing. You can hear it in the audio and see how the grass and brush are whipping around. Wonder if the "losing control" was actually a stronger gust; you can see how he's banked over even after getting all the wheels down. Hell of a ride…

  4. My accident analysis is that it is without a doubt "Pilot Error" precepatated by "to much Vodka" in flight.
    Happens quite often over there.

    Piute–Aviation Safety Inspector

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