All things bacon

I think I’ve stumbled across bacon heaven . . . namely, a Web site named Bacon Today. I found it via a link to International Bacon Day, which was celebrated yesterday, September 3rd. It also offers recipes and meal ideas, including such gems as:

  • a Bacon Soup Bowl;
  • a Turbaconducken (i.e. a chicken, stuffed inside a duck, which is in turn stuffed inside a turkey, with the whole thing wrapped in bacon before being roasted). There’s also something called the ‘Ultimate Turbaconducken‘, shown below, which is apparently the same thing, but with each bird (or piece of bird) wrapped in bacon before being stuffed into the next bird! I shudder to think of its calorie and/or cholesterol count . . . it might be more appropriately named ‘Heart Attack In A Baking Pan’!

The Ultimate Turbaconducken

Bacon pancakes

There’s even a ‘Bacon Scarf‘, to keep your neck warm while you eat the stuff; and they link to a website calling itself ‘Bacon Freak‘, which appears to offer unlimited quantities of bacon for home delivery, along with everything associated with it.

I’ll just go and lie down now . . . I think I’m suffering from mental indigestion!



  1. Some Indiana bloggers on my daily read-among the ones you recently had lunch with-will mark this event on their calendars evermore.

    Being a member of the Lipitor club myself, I can't…awww… c'mon…just a taste!

  2. Bacon is not your enemy.

    You guys really need to go read all the data (and there is reams of paper – tons of data) that says there is no real link between saturated fats and heart disease. For a good summary of how this pseudoscience became public policy go read "What If It's All Been A Big Fat Lie" by science writer Gary Taubes. This was in the NY Timesis, and is a simplification of an article in Science Magazine.

    If you're up for a book that's so well researched it's changing lots of doctor's minds, read "Good Calories, Bad Calories" by Taubes as well.

    If you're going to avoid stuff, avoid trans-fats and sugar-laden "fat free" foods.

  3. Re: Graybeard

    There's been recent research that shows a downside to going high fat / low carbs. It heavily increases the risk of type 2 diabetes.

    It's kind of funny how a high carb, low fat diet makes you fat, and a high fat, low carb diet gives you blood sugar problems.

  4. There's a series of videos on YouTube called "Epic Meal Time". Often, their insane creations involve bacon…

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