An amazing woman

I’ve had no less than seven e-mails from readers and friends, alerting me to a story published on the Web site of the Multi-National Force in Iraq, and referenced by The Donovan, among other blogs.

The emergency-room trauma call and the medical staff’s immediate action upon his arrival is only a memory to her now; sitting quietly at the bedside of her brother-in-arms, she carefully takes his hand, thanking him for his service and promising she will not leave his side.

He is a critically injured combat casualty, and she is Army Sgt. Jennifer Watson of the Casualty Liaison Team [at Joint Base Balad].

Although a somber scene, it is not an uncommon one for the Peru, Ind., native, who in addition to her primary duties throughout the last 14 months, has taken it upon herself to ensure no U.S. casualty passes away alone. Holding each of their hands, she sits with them until the end, no matter the day or the hour.

“It’s unfortunate that their families can’t be here,” said Watson, who is deployed here from Fort Campbell, Ky. “So I took it upon myself to step up and be that family while they are here. No one asked me to do it; I just did what I felt was right in my heart. I want them to know they are heroes.

“I feel just because they are passing away does not mean they cannot hear and feel someone around them,” she continued. “I talk to them, thanking them for what they have done, telling them they are a hero, they will never be forgotten, and I explain my job to them to help them be at ease knowing the family will be told the truth.”

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Each month, the AFTH, the equivalent of a U.S. Level-1 trauma center, treats more than 539 patients; more than 101 are trauma cases in the emergency department. Although Watson can never predict if and when her fellow brothers- or sisters- in arms may need her, she is always available here.

“The hospital staff is wonderful,” said Watson. “They know how important it is for me to be there with them and if they know it’s time, someone will come and get me no matter where I’m at.

“I see it as a form of closure, not just for me, but for the families so that they know that somebody was there with their son or daughter,” she added. “My heart goes out to every patient that comes into the hospital, especially my wounded in action Soldiers. I feel like everyone who comes through the door is my brother or sister.”

Not surprisingly, Watson’s dedication to duty and her hard work have not gone unnoticed. She has touched the lives of all those who she has come in contact with, to include the 332nd Expeditionary Medical Group commander, Col. Mark Mavity.

“Sgt. Watson’s story is one of the most compelling here in the Med Group,” said Mavity. “She is a Soldier’s Soldier who combines an unparalleled level of compassion and commitment to our most grievously wounded warriors with amazing professionalism each and every day.

“What is truly incredible is that she is a personnelist by training but with the heart of a medic who has taken it upon herself to hold the hand and keep a bedside vigil with every mortally wounded Soldier who has spent their last hours within the AFTH,” continued the colonel. “She will not let her brave brothers or sisters pass alone. This is a heavy burden to bear and at great personal emotional cost to Sgt. Watson, but she is unwavering in her final commitment to these Soldiers. You don’t have to look any further than Sgt. Watson to find a true hero.”

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“I want the families to know that their servicemember was a hero,” Watson concluded. “They made the ultimate sacrifice, but before they passed on, they received the best medical treatment, and the staff did everything they could — they were not in pain and they didn’t die alone.”

There’s more at the link.

Some people leave you speechless. Sgt. Watson is one of them. Would that there were more with her dedication and humanity! Blessings upon her.



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