At the beginning of last month I put up a video clip of a sealion ‘stealing’ a fish right off the line of a fisherman. It seems that isn’t all that unusual an occurrence in northern waters . . . and orcas sometimes get into the act as well! Here’s a killer whale taking advantage of an angler’s strike to get a quick meal.
(Language alert: the fisherman didn’t appreciate being robbed!)
Hmmm . . . on balance, I’d be grateful the orca didn’t swallow the whole fish, along with my hook, and then take my rod, tackle, and perhaps even my boat – not to mention me! – along with it when next it dived deep!
Those *in* the water own it. Those *on* the water do not.
Love it!
I'm willing to bet that the orcas know NOT to take the whole fish, because they also get the hook. So they bite the fish in half.
I'd say "catch and release" is out of the question :).
I'd argue that only counts as using half your King stamp.
Gotta agree with Jim! 🙂
On the other hand, he now has a "the one that got away" story to top 'em all!
That's when you set the hook Todd Jarrett style (20% harder!) and call Ahab to man the harpoons!
From the fisherman's tone of voice, he kind of admired the skill the orca used to nip off the end- and from the way the orca is hanging around after, I think this is the whale's equivalent of a funny prank or practical joke.