Around The Blogs 2015-08-29

Time for another collection of interesting posts and articles from around the blogosphere.

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Nicki at The Liberty Zone fisks an idiot who objects to an NRA sticker on a vehicle.  It’s superb!  Go read.

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Jill Kandel, who works with prison inmates, reflects on ‘The Doors We Walk Through‘.

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Reflecting on the Sad Puppies campaign for the Hugo Awards this year, Brad Torgerson talks about what he’s experienced and learned.  It’s not pretty . . . but it’s real.  I think he did a great job under the most trying of circumstances.

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Sipsey Street Irregulars has a useful series of talking points about local supply preparedness in an emergency situation.  Food for thought.

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Shona Walker brings us an anonymous plea to exercise extreme care when putting chili oil or Vicks Vaporub anywhere near delicate portions of the anatomy.  (Not safe for work, but very funny!)

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The Silicon Graybeard thinks the stock market’s woes aren’t yet over.  I agree.

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Something of importance to all self-published authors:  John Doppler alerts us to the existence of Kindle counterfeiting, where someone copies the entire text of a book, puts it up on Amazon or other retailers, and pockets all the royalties.  I hope this doesn’t become more prevalent, but it’s all too easy in an electronic age like ours.

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The Feral Irishman provides a graphic illustration of the importance of diet soda.  (NOT!)

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Never Yet Melted brings us a timely reminder about truth in advertising.

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Last but not least, Mr. B. urges us to ‘Have confidence in those who administer your children’s education‘.

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That’s all for this weekend.  Enjoy!



  1. Over my time in the Army more than once I have seen a guy rubbing down a sore muscle with icy hot then without thinking stick that icy hot applying hand down his shorts to scratch the ole twig n berries. That brief moment of realization on their face before the burning starts is priceless.

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