Attention shooters: Bill Jeans could use our help


The name of Bill Jeans and his training company, Morrigan Consulting, will be familiar to many in the shooting world.  Bill, a US Marine Corps and Vietnam combat veteran, was an instructor for the late Col. Jeff Cooper at Gunsite during the 1980’s, and served as Operations Manager there during much of the 1990’s.  He also served for several decades as a law enforcement officer, and traveled internationally to train other police and security services in the use of firearms.

Bill had a serious medical episode a couple of weeks ago that saw him admitted to hospital, where he underwent surgery.  He’s apparently making good progress with his recovery (despite discussions among his “friends” about how to smuggle Irish whiskey into the Intensive Care unit for him, which are causing conniption fits among the doctors who know him!).  It looks like he’ll be all right in due course, but he’s got a long road to recovery ahead of him, and some pretty hefty medical bills to pay.

Friends of Bill have set up a GoFundMe fund-raiser for him.  If you remember Bill with affection or respect, or would simply like to help a man who’s given his all to his country and the defensive shooting world, I’d like to ask you to click over there and make whatever donation you can afford.  He deserves our help, IMHO, having helped so many others for so long.  (Cash would be preferred, rather than Irish whiskey!)

Thanks in advance.



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