‘Tis September 14th on Saturday, an’ that be Talk Like A Pirate Day, arr!
The day was founded in 1995 by John Baur and Mark Summers, but remained a largely private affair until the duo enlisted the aid of comedian and columnist Dave Barry. His 2002 column on Talk Like A Pirate Day swept the country, and since then it’s become ubiquitous, even spreading internationally. Baur and Summers still maintain a Web site which proclaims itself to be:
and goes on to admonish us to accept no substitutes.
In this video, Baur and Summers (a.k.a. Ol’ Chumbucket and Cap’n Slappy – I don’t know which is which) teach us how to go about it.
So avast, me hearties, and rrrrolll yourrr arrrrs tomorrow!
Arrrr! It's me birrrthday today, so I'm allowed to Talk like a Pirate all yearrrrr, matey…
I don't abuse the privilege, though {wink}.
Shouldn't their website be http://talklikeapirate.arg ?