The Battle of the Coral Sea

A few days ago I wrote about the Battle of the Coral Sea, which took place from May 4th-8th 1942, 70 years ago.  Since that article I’ve come across two Australian video reports about the battle, which was the closest approach of a Japanese invasion force to that country.  As most of the fighting took place from May 7th-8th, it seemed appropriate on this date to share them with you.

The first is a commemoration of the battle, featuring some of the veterans who fought in it.

The second, courtesy of Australian reader Snoggeramus, notes that the US warships that were sunk in the battle have now been protected from intrusion under Australian legislation.  Since they’re official US war graves, thanks are due to the Australian government for safeguarding them.

Today, spare a thought – and, if you’re so inclined, a prayer – for those who gave their lives so far away, 70 years ago, to protect Australia and America.



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