1. Yeah, I remember that from my trip to Yellowstone. I was not quite that close, but close enough for some discomfort. Oh, and they are a lot bigger in real life than they look on film, even this film. They're HUGE.

    I was told by a ranger that as long as they don't look at you, you're probably ok. It's when they acknowledge your existance that you're in trouble.

  2. Those expressions at the end were priceless!

    Buffalo are actually very dangerous. They are much faster than you think, and their inclination is to grind you into the ground with their head. There are fatalities every year, but it's amazing there aren't more given how cavalier folks are around them.

  3. I hear that buffalo meat is very lean and delicious, although I have never had it. I am armed, and I therefore think that the buffalo should be vewy vewy quiet around ME !

  4. It's my understanding that American bison have, at best, sorta so-so eyesight, and primarily are alerted by sound and scent – also, that they are very quick and fast on their feet and scary strong…and that those horns are not just decoration, and are generally very sharp…big, sharp hooves, too…

    Not a combination you want to fool around with at close range, I think.

    We learned, both on a trip to Africa and from Animal Planet, that the most dangerous (to people) animals there are hippos and Cape buffalo (which are true buffalo; American bison, actually, are not) – not necessarily in that order – because they are both very quick on the attack, fast on their feet (hippos can actually outrun buffalo, and will leave rhinos in the dust by far) and are scary strong and hostile to human-sized objects. More people, we were told, are injured/killed each year by Cape buffalo than by any other big-game animal.

    Oh, and Jane – yes, buffalo (both Cape and Am. bison) meat is, in fact, quite delicious, and is actually better for you than most beef (i.e., regular cow-meat). However, unless you are very heavily armed, do not be hostile to the buffalo (either type) – simply wounding one will likely irritate it considerably, causing it to pursue you at high speed, and they're not easy to kill, even with a heavy rifle. A handgun won't likely do, unless you can hit it squarely in an eye or something like that.

    Did I mention the sharp horns and sharp hooves?

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