1. Definitely NOT as waste of time!

    This – without a doubt – is cutting edge advanced avionic research.

    We will need transportation like this if Global Warming continues it's present trend and the world turns into a gigantic ice sheet.

    Besides, it looks like one hell of a lot of fun.


  2. I was surprised the chute held the weight. It didn't look oversized, so I expected a *rapid* descent. I'd have never been the test-pilot, though. No way!

  3. Larry:

    I wonder if the riser spread that they ended up with was a factor. That may have given it an effectively wider canopy.
    What I didn't see was any obvious way to jettison the 'chute, if a major problem occurred. Rider had a backpack style 'chute for emergency, but that overhead obstruction would have been a real complication with so little distance AGL.

  4. As a guy who's flown some unlikely junk over the years, I think I can say, well, um, , , I, ah, oh. . . . Wow, that's just beyond anything I could ever imagine.

    I must be getting really, really old.


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