The brutal, harsh reality of the immigration crisis

There’s a new series of highly educational videos available online, ‘The Promise Of Home’. It highlights the truth about illegal immigration and its impact on the USA. I really can’t recommend the entire series too highly.

I’m an immigrant myself, but a legal one. I’ve seen (as a chaplain in the US justice system) just how enormous an impact illegal immigration is having on our society. It must be controlled – but our spineless, bought-and-paid-for-by-corporate-interests politicians don’t seem willing to do anything. I hope this video series will reach enough people that they’ll apply pressure on Washington to do the right thing, and close the gates.

The videos are listed below. Click on each one to be taken to that video.

These videos are really, really important. I believe every thinking American should make time to watch them. Sure, they’re long – but what’s your future worth? If we don’t do something to address this problem, we may not have a national future!

I’d like to ask all other bloggers who read this blog to please publicize these videos on your own blog as well, either by linking to this post, or providing links to the videos on your own pages. To my readers, I ask you to e-mail your friends with a link to this post, and get them to come here, get the video links, and watch the programs for themselves. (To link to this specific post, click on its title. That’ll open a new page with this post only. Click on the URL in the address bar and copy it into your e-mail for a direct link to the page.)

Let’s get the word out!


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