From an article in the American Spectator titled “An Elegy for the FBI“: Thanks to the raid of Trump’s home, the FBI is not only faced with having lost the confidence and cooperation of almost half of America. It has also transformed itself into a despised moral leper colony — a painted, hagged out,… Continue reading Quote of the week
Category: Uncategorized
A school shooting successfully stopped – but the mainstream media ignore it
I’ve only just become aware of this report from June this year. It seems to have been ignored by the mainstream news media – probably because it had a happy ending, instead of turning into a tragedy. Duncanville police said no children were hurt when an armed man entered the facility where a summer camp… Continue reading A school shooting successfully stopped – but the mainstream media ignore it
Wow! The Webb space telescope images the Pillars of Creation
Courtesy of the BBC, here’s a wonderful image of the Pillars of Creation in the Serpens constellation, taken by the Webb space telescope. Click either image for a much larger view. And here’s a comparison between the Hubble space telescope’s view of the Pillars (on the left) and the Webb’s greatly improved and much… Continue reading Wow! The Webb space telescope images the Pillars of Creation
Doofus Of The Day #1,096
This tweet speaks for itself. Clickit to biggit. And when it does, what will you eat? Verily, the mind doth boggle . . . Peter
Money over the past 10,000 years or so
I recently came across an investment service called Epsilon Theory. They have an enormous range of articles and reports that are among the best-researched and easily understandable of any that I’ve read anywhere else. I’ve taken up their (limited) free subscription offer, and I recommend it to you as well. I found their article,… Continue reading Money over the past 10,000 years or so
The food situation, here and worldwide
This blog post is not, repeat, NOT designed to make you afraid, or scare you into “prepping” if you’re not already there, or anything like that. Its intention is to simply present facts, and let you make up your own mind what you need to do to prepare for the shortages that are coming. … Continue reading The food situation, here and worldwide
Are you, or will you soon be, dependent on pension income? If so, READ THIS.
Epsilon Theory has published an in-depth review of Britain’s financial crisis over the past couple of weeks, as its major pension funds were pushed right to the brink of bankruptcy by a liquidity crunch that threatened to take the entire British banking sector down with them. The crisis was averted – for now –… Continue reading Are you, or will you soon be, dependent on pension income? If so, READ THIS.
A very, very good point
Regarding calls for a Constitutional Convention to “rectify” our current political problems, Karl Denninger observes (emphasis in original): [A convention] will do nothing until and unless it includes the willingness of the States to back the requirements of the Constitution with whatever force is necessary for it to be obeyed, Supreme Court, Executive and… Continue reading A very, very good point
First photographs of the Nord Stream explosion damage
The first civilian video of the damaged Nord Stream pipeline has emerged. Screen captures from the video appear to show that the explosion originated inside the pipeline, and blew outward. Click either image for a larger view. That would tend to support Lawdog’s theory that the explosions were caused by methane hydrates, that congealed… Continue reading First photographs of the Nord Stream explosion damage
Sounds like a realistic, pragmatic priest – no wonder he’s been suspended
I note this report with displeasure. Mexico’s Roman Catholic Church has suspended a controversial priest who has advised parishioners to carry guns to fight off drug cartels. Better known as “Father Pistolas,” Rev. Alfredo Gallegos is a priest in the violence-plagued western state of Michoacan who has himself sometimes carried a weapon. A circular… Continue reading Sounds like a realistic, pragmatic priest – no wonder he’s been suspended