What I believe to be a very important report has just been published under the auspices of the Science And Public Policy Institute. They describe themselves as follows:
The Science and Public Policy Institute (SPPI) is a nonprofit institute of research and education dedicated to sound public policy based on sound science. Free from affiliation to any corporation or political party, we support the advancement of sensible public policies for energy and the environment rooted in rational science and economics. Only through science and factual information, separating reality from rhetoric, can legislators develop beneficial policies without unintended consequences that might threaten the life, liberty, and prosperity of the citizenry.
Though some say anthropogenic “global warming” is the most serious issue facing humankind, security of energy supply is a far more serious problem. The Institute urges critical appraisal of legislative “climate fixes” for their social, political, and economic and security costs, along with their relative utility or futility.
Proposals demanding prodigious economic or political sacrifices for the sake of negligible climatic benefits should be rejected in favor of policies to address graver, more immediate concerns about which something constructive can actually be done.
The new report, authored by Joanne Nova, is called ‘Climate Money‘ (link is to an Adobe Acrobat version of the document in .pdf format). Among its highlights are:
The US Government has spent more than $79 billion of taxpayers’ money since 1989 on policies related to climate change, including science and technology research, administration, propaganda campaigns, foreign aid, and tax breaks. Most of this spending was unnecessary.
Despite the billions wasted, audits of the science are left to unpaid volunteers. A dedicated but largely uncoordinated grassroots movement of scientists has sprung up around the globe to test the integrity of “global warming” theory and to compete with a lavishly-funded, highlyorganized climate monopsony. Major errors have been exposed again and again.
Carbon trading worldwide reached $126 billion in 2008. Banks, which profit most, are calling for more. Experts are predicting the carbon market will reach $2 – $10 trillion in the near future. Hot air will soon be the largest single commodity traded on global exchanges. Meanwhile, in a distracting sideshow, Exxon-Mobil Corp is repeatedly attacked for paying just $23 million to skeptics—less than a thousandth of what the US government spends on alarmists, and less than one five-thousandth of the value of carbon trading in 2008 alone.
The large expenditure designed to prove the non-existent connection between carbon and climate has created a powerful alliance of self-serving vested interests. By pouring so much money into pushing a single, scientifically-baseless agenda, the Government has created not an unbiased investigation but a self-fulfilling prophecy.
I particularly like the sound-bites (or, more accurately, word-bites) that Ms. Nova sprinkles throughout her report. A few examples:
- The most telling point is that after spending $30 billion on pure science research no one is able to point to a single piece of empirical evidence that man‐made carbon dioxide has a significant effect on the global climate.
- How serious are they about getting the data right? Or are they only serious about getting the “right” data?
- It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends upon his not understanding it (a quote from Upton Sinclair).
- The intimidation, disrespect and ostracism leveled at people who ask awkward questions acts like a form of censorship. Not many fields of science have dedicated smear sites for scientists. Money talks.
This is a very important document, in my opinion. It exposes much of the greed, chicanery and exploitation that’s at the heart of the ‘Climate Change’ lobby, and explains much of what certain individuals, groups and parties in our governing bodies are trying to achieve – and why. Follow the money to understand more.
I think this report should be required reading for every American – every person, for that matter, no matter where they live. Highly recommended.
Heretics! Infidels! Unmutual! Unbelievers must be burned at the steak!
I'll take mine medium rare, please. With portobello mushrooms if you have them.
Well, you take a movement that has become a religion (environmentalism in its more radical, anti-human forms), add unbelievers who see the religion as a way to gain political power, and poof – anthropogenic global warming.
I highly recommend the website http://www.icecap.us It collects research on climate change and the eco-movement and presents commentary from people like Viscount Monkton, in other words, the real climatologists and oceanographers.