Could this be described as a ‘crack’ shot?

From Sweden we hear of a notable feat of . . . well, not marksmanship!

A hunter from western Sweden has been indicted on charges of endangering human life after accidentally shooting a toilet seat rather than the goose at which he had taken aim.

The 37-year-old from Ulricehamn was out hunting near the village of Hökerum when he spotted a goose by the lakeside, newspaper Borås Tidning reports.

But when the hunter missed his target the bullet travelled 1.6 kilometres over Tolken Lake, past a couple of cottage owners and their guest, and straight into the toilet.

Shaken by the proximity of the bullet, the homeowners went inside from the balcony to assess the damage.

A broken toilet seat bore witness to the hunter’s poor marksmanship.

At least his friends can now accuse him, legitimately, of being a s***ty shot!



  1. Not just hard to live down – he needs an intensive & painful lesson in firearms safety and rifle ballistics, all the things that should be taught from childhood in any country where firearms are owned by free citizens.
    The article implies that a rifle was used against a flying bird – does this guy really have such little understanding of how far his rifle can throw a bullet?
    Idiots like this are match-grade ammunition for the gun-grabbers.

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