1. Dude! It's like an Indian James Bond, but with a really cool mullet!

    I want a leaping Jeep. How come I can't have leaping Jeeps? I demand that my next movie have leaping Jeeps and horses that don't jump, and riders crashing though endless panes of glass.

  2. Where's PETA when they might actually do some good?

    Seriously, a few of those "horse crash scenes" on concrete looked pretty rough.

  3. This is the most absurd action sequence I have ever seen. It's as if the directors saw every action film chase sequence for the previous 25 years and said, "I'll have some of that, and some of that, oh, and that bit there!", then stuck them all together with no thought for plausibility (and in a few cases, the laws of physics) and called it good.


  4. the leaping jeeps is a problem for me

    the rest of it, perfectly normal.

    Schrimp, if you do get one, go for the extra travel front suspension option.

  5. Welcome to "Brollywood". Watching Indian-made movies is like watching "The Sound of Music" with scenes from the "Bourne" movies spliced into it.

  6. While I am not happy about how they treated the horses the film was over the top funny. More of a comedy then action film.

  7. Definitely an action sequence. Still, I have to admit that while I don't object to the people hitting the concrete, I have to admit that the use of flying W's and trip ropes (clearly evident, no photoshop there!) to bring the horses down takes away all enjoyment. It almost guarantees a severe injury and often a lethal one. At best you have an animal whose willingness to work has been betrayed.

  8. Peter, when the cavalry literally arrived I lost several ounces of beer in the ready for the Superbowl.

    If nothing else, they deserve an award for synchronized stunting. I've never seen so many stunts performed "by the two's" before!

  9. Given the general lack of safety standards and practices in that part of the world, I can imagine that there was a hefty body count (both human and non-human) associated with this production.

    It also seems a shame that so many old jeeps were destroyed in the process.

  10. Er…. most of those are not old jeeps, they are current model Mahindras and others of the ilk.

    The thing that irks me with most so-called film "action" scenes is the pervasive myth that one can go through a full glass door without any consequences. Not just from Brollywod, it's global.

    As a qualified first-aid officer, let me just state this very clearly: if you hurl yourself through a full glass door at these sort of speeds without any protection, you WILL die from the resulting injuries!

    The cuts and general maiming as a result of such actions, in real life, is mind-boggling. Particularly with kids.

    One day the film industry as a whole will be called to account for perpetuating this myth.

  11. I love that there are no explosions, no explosions, shattering glass, gratuitous animal violence, no explosions, random wedding scene…

    and then an ORGY of explosions for NO REASON!

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