Dizzy bat FAIL!

I hadn’t heard of the game of ‘dizzy bat’ before. Judging by the video clip below, one has to spin around a bat several times until dizzy, then try to hit a ball.

There appear to be other hazards involved – at least for bystanders. Keep your eye on the bat.



  1. You often see variations of the game at professional baseball games, as entertainment between innings.

  2. I haven't seen it with the attempted baseball after the running in circles, but I have played it where you do the four or five revolutions then try to run about 25 yards. Great fun, so long as you have something reasonably soft upon which to land!


  3. I noticed that, despite his obvious anguish over the bat's inadvertent targeting of his crotch, the spectator managed not to spill his cup of beer…

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