Our anti-hero today escaped from a juvenile detention facility in Wisconsin – and probably wishes he hadn’t!
A teenage boy has survived after being accidentally dumped into the back of a recycling truck and compacted, police said.
Police in Milwaukee said the 14-year-old ran away from a boot camp-style school for teens Monday and hid in a recycling bin filled with cardboard.
The bin was picked up by a Waste Management truck and dumped into the vehicle’s rear compactor.
Waste Management spokeswoman Lynn Morgan said the truck continued on its collection route, compacting cardboard several times.
The boy wasn’t discovered until the truck dumped its load at a recycling processing center.
He was semiconscious and was taken to a hospital, but police said his injuries aren’t life-threatening.
I imagine the only reason he survived was that the cardboard ‘gave’ just enough around his body to prevent him being crushed flatter than a pancake. I’d love to be a fly on the wall when he gets taken back to his detention facility. I suspect his fellow inmates are going to give him a hard time about this!
Yes, along the lines of “So who’s a flathead now?” hehe
Missed a Darwin Award by, “that much!”