Doofus Of The Day #137

Today’s doofus is a British burglar, who clearly wasn’t well educated in Norse mythology. The Daily Telegraph reports:

Six-foot tall Torvald Alexander, 38, was wearing a red cape and the thunder god’s silver-winged helmet when he spotted the raider in his front room rifling through a desk.

Mr Alexander, who runs building firm Alexander & Summers in Edinburgh, Scotland, said the burglar threw himself out of a first floor window of his £350,000 home in the Inverleith area of the city after being caught red handed.

Mr Alexander said: “As soon as he saw me his eyes went wide with terror.

“He looked like he had had a few drinks and decided to do a late night break in, but he hadn’t counted on the God of Thunder living here.”

He added: “I had just got back from a fancy dress New Year’s party and because I have a Norwegian name I decided to go as Thor.

“It took ages making the cape, helmet and breast plate, and I must admit it was a bit chilly walking home, but when I saw that guy I just went mad and charged at him, my cape flying behind me.

“I think if I had had Thor’s hammer with me I might have scared him to death.”

Norse legend Thor has a magical hammer, called Mjolnir, which returns to him after knocking out his enemies foe magically returns to the superhero. It can also throw lightning bolts at enemies.

Mr Alexander said that the burglar had not managed to steal anything, but had left his shoes at the scene.

He said: “He had obviously taken off his shoes to creep about in silence, but when he saw me he just jumped out of the window in his socks.

“It will make him think again before breaking into other people’s homes. Hopefully it’s taught him a lesson.”

Mr Alexander said he was contacting police and was going to hand over the burglar’s shoes in the hope police can trace him.

I’d dearly love to know what that burglar was thinking as he saw the ‘God of Thunder’ charging at him . . .



  1. “I’d dearly love to know what that burglar was thinking as he saw the ‘God of Thunder’ charging at him . . .”

    Isn’t it clear? He BOLTED.


  2. Frankly? If I saw that guy coming at me pissed off, it wouldn’t matter if he was dressed in a nice business suit, I’d be Alarmed.

  3. He must’ve had more than a few before the break-in, as had I seen the God of Tinfoil running at me, I’d’ve fallen down laughing and ended up in the clink!

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