Doofus Of The Day #223

Today’s Doofus is a litigative lady from California. According to the legal blog Lowering The Bar:

On May 21, a judge of the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of California dismissed a complaint filed by a woman who said she had purchased “Cap’n Crunch with Crunchberries” because she believed “crunchberries” were real fruit. The plaintiff, Janine Sugawara, alleged that she had only recently learned to her dismay that said “berries” were in fact simply brightly-colored cereal balls, and that although the product did contain some strawberry fruit concentrate, it was not otherwise redeemed by fruit. She sued, on behalf of herself and all similarly situated consumers who also apparently believed that there are fields somewhere in our land thronged by crunchberry bushes.

. . .

The court, Judge Morrison England, Jr., also pointed out that the plaintiff acknowledged in her opposition to the motion to dismiss that “[c]lose inspection [of the box] reveals that Crunchberries . . . are not really berries.” Plaintiff did not explain why she could not reasonably have figured this out at any point during the four years she alleged she bought Cap’n Crunch with Crunchberries in reliance on defendant’s fraud.

Finally, the court held that while a first-time loser on a motion to dismiss would typically get a chance to amend the complaint, this one wouldn’t:

In this case, . . . it is simply impossible for Plaintiff to file an amended complaint stating a claim based upon these facts. The survival of the instant claim would require this Court to ignore all concepts of personal responsibility and common sense. The Court has no intention of allowing that to happen.

Case dismissed.

There’s more at the link. Most entertaining!

Kudos to the judge for his very fair handling of the case. According to the blog, he noted that Ms. Sugawara’s attorneys had previously filed suit against the makers of Froot Loops cereal, on the grounds that the ‘loops’ weren’t made of ‘froot’. They lost that case, too. Perhaps His Honor would concur that today’s Doofus award should go to the attorneys, rather than the plaintiff?


1 comment

  1. Now if we could just get the judges to make the idiots pay the fees to the defendants for for paying for the defense of stupid lawsuits this kind of idiocy would end.

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