Doofus Of The Day #291

Today’s Doofus is from Seattle.

Police in Seattle said an intoxicated man overestimated his own ninja skills and impaled himself on a fence post.

Investigators said an officer heard screams at about 11:15 p.m. Monday and found the man impaled on a spike atop a 4- to 5-foot-tall fence, reported Tuesday.

Fire Department responders freed the man from the spike and he was taken to Harborview Medical Center for treatment.

“The male claimed he was not being chased, but rather he thought he was a ninja and would be able to successfully leap over the 4 to 5-foot fence,” a police spokesman said. “Clearly he was overconfident in his abilities, no doubt bolstered by alcohol.”

Uh-huh. Once again we learn that athleticism and alcohol don’t mix – even for ninjas!


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