Doofus Of The Day #331

A tip o’ the hat to CrankyLitProf for spotting this one first.

You’d think that for a surgical procedure – any surgical procedure – you’d want high-quality medical attention, wouldn’t you? Apparently not, if you’re from a certain part of New Jersey . . .

Six women in New Jersey are recovering after they received buttocks-enhancement injections containing silicone used to caulk bathtubs.

State health officials say the women, from Essex County, apparently underwent cosmetic procedures from unlicensed providers.

Investigators have not determined if the cases are related.

No arrests have been made.

Instead of medical-grade silicone, the women received a diluted version of nonmedical-grade silicone.

State epidemiologist Tina Tan says there’s the risk for more serious complications when infections are not treated early.

There’s more at the link.

Another source reported:

After the so called enhancement the women were left with rears that resembled ‘moonscapes’ filled with lumps and craters.

Others had abscesses form on their skin. The six women involved have not been identified.

Officials said they believe the injected mixture includes silicone, petroleum jelly and hardware-grade filler.

Again, more at the link.

Verily, the mind doth boggle! How anyone would trust anybody to inject them with anything, in their homes, without a license or proper medically sterile facilities, is utterly beyond me! It seems that stupidity knows no bounds . . .



  1. This is just a very sad version of the mindsets that created home Botox (TM) parties and medical vacations to Mexico, Brazil and beyond. It would be safer just to bring back the bustle if you want an overly round rear, IMHO. And yes, I can say that. I'm a Rubenesque female.

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