Doofus Of The Day #486

Today’s winner is from New Hampshire.

Police say [Scott] Wellington told coworkers at C & M Machine his wife had died from breast cancer and that their kids had no Christmas presents.

Police say Wellington’s employer not only came through with $7,000 in cash, they also sent a card.

. . .

The card showed up at Wellington’s previous address, where his estranged wife still lives. She called Wellington’s boss after reading the card and told him she wasn’t dead and had never had breast cancer.

In a court appearance, Wellington asked that his bail be lowered. The judge doubled it instead to $5,000.

There’s more at the link.

Yeah . . . if you’re going to try a scam like that, you might want to make sure that the other party is aware of it, and is in for a cut of the proceeds! If not, she’s likely to rat you out!

(I’ve no idea why the judge doubled his bail. I can only assume Mr. Wellington somehow annoyed him. Whatever the cause, I submit it was probably well deserved!)


1 comment

  1. Ever been to local court, Peter? The things people will say to a judge are mind-boggling. It's fun! I can imagine why the bail was doubled with a creative thinker like that, probably cooked himself in his own juice. 🙂

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