Doofus Of The Day #531

Today’s winner comes from Germany.

Horrified housewife Sylvia Koch accidentally threw away £10,000 [just over US $15,500] in cash after her husband stashed it in their kitchen bin and forgot to tell her.

Husband Michael had decided to hide the cash while they were away from their home in Planegg, Germany, for the weekend.

But he didn’t tell his wife when they returned, and only remembered the nest egg the morning after the binmen had been.

“We rushed down to the tip but we were told we were too late and all the rubbish from that collection had been destroyed or recycled,” said Michael.

But the astonished couple were reunited with their cash the next day, when police brought it back to them in a patrol car.

“One of the binmen had found it and put it in the safe overnight. They were very relieved,” said a police spokesman.

If it had been destroyed, I daresay that would have been grounds for Mrs. Koch to divorce her husband on the grounds of terminal doofidity!


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