1. I sure hope that you meant that the doofus was the dad (or alleged adult) that apparently allowed that to be done to his son – or whichever one of the jerks that was hosting this kid on what was apparently a hunting outing.

  2. @Phil K – what else? If my alleged 'friends' did that to me, they'd immediately be re-classified as ex-'friends', and there would probably be a significant amount of violence involved in the re-classification!

  3. There seems to be a large percentage of the younger and middle aged generations that think being hurtful is funny.
    I gringe when I think of our future in the hands of such self centered fools.

  4. WR, I have two words for you

    Three Stooges.

    I will say anyone who lets their child get wacked in the groin for amusement really needs to be locked away.


  5. I was thinking the same thing. Someone actually thought that was funny? Really?

    I don't know if one of those adult idiots was his dad or not. Nonetheless, if I was that kid, I would be plotting my revenge, and since violence is now on the table, I would *not* get even. I would get ahead.

    I'm thinking something along the lines of burning down a truck, or maybe jamming a wad of cloth into the barrel of one of their rifles. Imagine their surprise when they took THAT shot.

    Yeah – I would be that pissed.

  6. I grew up in a family of seven boys. The "equipment" was out of bounds. You could play lots of pranks, you could horseplay, and you could even fight, but the equipment was out of bounds, off the table, not fair. Anyone who broke that rule better have been fighting for his life, literally, or else he would be.

    As a man, that makes me cringe just to watch. As a dad, just the thought that one of those f#*king retards might be his father, and would actually do that to his own son, irks me to no end.

    I don't know that I'd be mad enough to kill or maim like anonymous' suggestion above might do, but I'd certainly return the favor to each and every one of the idiots involved. It might not happen right then and there, but it would happen.

  7. I would be pleased if the kid got up, took that shovel and did some some real damage. A joke is one thing, deliberately causing harm with no provocation is unconscionable.

  8. From a mother's point of view? To see that done to a child, any child, is unforgivable. Hopefully, this is a "prank" never to be forgotten and repaid in kind when the time is right, even if it takes years.

  9. It assholes like them, pulling pranks like that, who wind up steering the youth of America down the path toward revenge by way of a brutal murder or three. Not saying they would not deserve it but not saying it would be a good thing either.

    Man, those guys were assholes. Hopefully the kid will not mentally plot revenge for the rest of his days.

    All the best,
    Glenn B

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