Doofus Of The Day #581

Today’s award goes to the organizers of an international sporting event in Kuwait.

KAZAKHSTAN’S shooting team demanded an apology from Kuwait after a spoof national anthem from the film Borat was played at a medal ceremony instead of the country’s official version.

. . .

The film, made by British comic Sacha Baron Cohen, portrayed Kazakhstan as a hotbed of backward racists who drink horse urine and indulge in incest.

Red-faced organisers in Kuwait apologized for the embarrassing oversight before re-staging the medal ceremony, this time with the correct version of the Kazakhstan anthem.

There’s more at the link. For those who’ve never heard it (including yours truly), the lyrics to ‘O Kazakhstan!‘ (the anthem from the film Borat) may be found here. (Warning – they’re not polite!)

Ah, well. So much for international amity and concord . . .



  1. Right after WWII ended my Uncle Jack was in a ceremony for visiting Soviet officers. Someone found sheet music for the "Russian Anthem."
    Yup, the Imperial Anthem. The Soviet officers were NOT amused.

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