Lesson #1 in dealing with large, carnivorous wild animals: they are not pets, and are not trustworthy!
It seems that some airboat ‘captains’ in Florida have been ignoring that lesson. One of them’s just re-learned it the hard way, as this TV news report shows.
There’s another (written) news report here with a few more details.
Repeat after me: “Thou shalt not place thy bare hands, bearing food, in the immediate vicinity of an apex carnivore’s mouth!”
Shouldn't that be any carnivore? Not just an apex carnivore?
He got a stupid fine of $500 on top of losing his hand. Seems deserved to me.
$500.00? Is that all they charge for Felony Stupid in Fla.? JohninMd(help)
This is why there is a law against feeding gators. But many of these tour operators want to impress their fares and get better tips so they break that law. He wins the ID-10-T award.