Doofus Of The Day #735

It looks like the bigots of the Westboro Baptist Church have competition.  Today’s award goes to the Amazing Grace Baptist Church in Canton, North Carolina.  Here’s why.

Looks like they’ve bought into one of the more recent heresies to sweep through fundamentalist Christianity, the so-called ‘King James Only movement‘. Briefly, this movement considers the King James Version of the Protestant Bible – a translation dating from the early seventeenth century – to be ‘inerrant‘, divinely inspired, and the only legitimate English translation of the Bible.  Of course, there’s no evidence whatsoever for this kooky, whacko belief.  It’s utterly ridiculous.  Nevertheless, they believe it, and can become quite nasty to those who disagree with them – witness their labeling as ‘heretics’ people that many Christians would consider shining examples.

It’s always the same with fanatics of any description, be they religious, political, social, economic, or any other flavor. They can’t and won’t listen to reason. They’ve got The Truth, and the rest of us will have to get with the program – Or Else.

Personally, if I have to pick between their blind, misguided fanaticism and something else, I’ll take ‘Or Else’, thank you very much . . .



  1. Not knowing any of the classical languages, I like to read several different translations of bible to see the differences. It can be quite illuminating (pun intended).

  2. I have studied Hebrew and Greek.

    Anybody with any knowledge of Bible translation at all understands the shortcomings of the KJV (not to mention the rest of them).

    IMO, most of this KJV-only stuff comes from groups who want to be known as iconoclasts. Kind of a "things these days suck, let's dial back the clock" kind of thing.

    The KJV may be a sufficient tool, but it usually isn't the best (and when I want the old style language, I find the NJKV to be superior).

  3. I love the KJV and read no other; they don't sound right. However, KJV Gen 43:25 is a bit problematic.

    It is a hoot to hear someone try to spin this verse without actually admitting a printer back in 1611 goofed.

  4. The KJV would be better if the translators would admit that there were some words they had no freaking clue about.

    I prefer the poetry of the NKJV, since much of the text is supposed to be read poetically.

    But these nutcases? Don't point that at me, you will not like what happens.

  5. This isn't new. KJV only churches have been around since any other translation came out.

    And yeah, shear poetry, I like the NKJV.

  6. LCB beat me to it. This is hardly news, but being brave (or foolish or ignorant) enough to decry the KJO group… well, that's news. Aren't you afraid they'll call down the wrath of God on your head?

    Which, by the way, is what a few parishioners said that the Rev. Pissfire Pallbox would do to me should I have the temerity, the absolute NERVE to ask the wrong question during service.

    Like, for instance, who wrote this book anyway? King James?

  7. Good post! Thanks. But when you said:

    "They can't and won't listen to reason. They've got The Truth, and the rest of us will have to get with the program – Or Else."

    I got confused. Are we talking about Obama, Pelosi, Clinton(s), Cops, or who?

  8. There are many differing flavors of KJV only churches. The most extreme teach that the KJV was "re-inspired" when it was translated, and is now more authoritative then even the original texts (Peter Ruckman's school, Pensacola Bible Institute, is where the majority of the writings from this extreme come out of)

    However, there are more moderate churches which merely teach that the KJV is the best translation of what they consider to be the best preserved texts. They believe the Masoretic Text (hebrew) and the Byzantine Text (greek) to be the most accurate. They do not consider the KJV to be divinely inspired, just the best choice out there.

    And, yeah, this ain't a new thing. Books have been written on this subject (why the KJV is the best Enlish translation) for over a hundred years.

    But don't lump them all into one group. Many in the second group are willing to agree to disagree with other Christians on the topic without bringing out the word heretic at all. The first group however are not willing to listen to reason.

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