Doofus Of The Day #832

When Borepatch put up this video this morning, I could hardly believe my eyes.  I would never have imagined that I’d see so many doofi assembled in a single five-minute clip of extreme failures!  I can only confer a collective Doofus Of The Day award upon all concerned.

A pogo stick? On a treadmill??? Verily, the mind doth boggle . . .



  1. The clear answer is legislation on these dangerous, unregulated devices.

    It's for the teenagers!


  2. Sheer, unadulterated ignorance of gravity, physics, and simple science. The Left & the NEA have taught them well.

  3. I like how so many of them are set up with the projectile end butting up against a wall, so when they fall the hapless victims are trapped and just roll over and over.

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