1. That is, by far, the funniest skit of that team….And that is saying something, as they were a funny team from the get go.

  2. Mama's Family originated as a Carol Burnett show skit.

    Part of what was hilarious about this outtake was that Vivian Lawrence (who was playing Mama) was the youngest of the cast and never felt brave enough to zing any of the more experienced actors. Her "Sure that little *sshole's through?" was completely out of character and yet so perfectly delivered.

  3. Out of character for Vicky but perfectly in character for Momma which makes it even funnier.

    Matter of fact I can't think of anything funnier that I've ever seen on TV whether planned or not. Although Tim busting up Harvey by just standing there placidly watching while Harvey tried to deliver a monologue right up there.

  4. I've lost count of how many times I've seen this sketch. Still leaves me holding my sides and gasping for air each time.

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