Environmental dangers again (Sigh)

I note that President Obama’s being called upon to take swift, speedy action against global warming. This may be tricky, as the so-called ‘hockey stick graph’ so often cited as evidence (which turns out to have been shaped like something entirely different, to have been based on false information, and to have contributed only lies to the debate for lo, these many years) is back in the news once more as an untenable proposition, and word has it that former Vice-President Gore is fighting with his back to the wall as the realities of global cooling come home to roost.

Never mind. The ‘true believers’ are still insisting that global warming is real – it’s just the nature, scope, impact and extent of global warming that’s in question. The ‘true deniers’ are equally insistent: global warming isn’t a factor at all, merely the nature, scope, impact and extent of global cooling. The fact that all of us have to live on this little ball of slush and ice and snow and heat, and try to keep our heads above water in the process, seems not to worry them at all.

Dumbasses and doofi, the lot of ’em!



  1. Uh, Peter, I'm sorta getting the impression you're having just a wee bit of difficulty avoiding stress, which I'm sure is very high on the list of suggestions/orders at the moment? 🙂

    Yeah, bad time to live in the world if destressing is the objective.

    Best to you in continued recovery. When I had mine I'd just loaded everything I owned into a rental truck the previous day, had a new job and a paid 7-month lease 600 miles away, and the calendar was turning on the rental truck. Nurses kept telling me to relax.

    Same world, just different issues!

    But do take care of yourself.

  2. Haven't you heard the latest buzz-word talking point? It's no longer "global warming", or even "global cooling". It's now "climate change."
    Just another way to try and confuse the non-issue.

    B Woodman

  3. Global Warming was the Phrenology of the 20th century.
    None of the wackos is ready to admit to that just yet, but I notice a lot of news sources are publishing articles about scientists doubting it's validity. It's a CYA measure, just in case they are wrong they can claim they were being fair and balanced. Five years ago, they had no doubt it was true and, so they said, all legitimate scientists agreed.

  4. good to see you are back with us!

    been some studies and thought that temp are related to a twenty year
    cycle of pacific ocean temp flips.
    then there is also the sunspot theory being involved.

    all moot in my mind, we are talking about a tiny percentage of the earths atmosphere, and a tiny increase of that tiny percentage. man has done some big things but world temps… not yet.

    last point, we endeavor to overcome, not throw out the baby with the bathwater. the baby being the energy we have enjoyed, and which has enriched the populations of the world immensely.
    we can live wisely but don't need to live in the dark.

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