Er… what does one say?


I was left a bit mind-boggled by this snipped article, in a tweet referenced on MeWe.

A false leg for a horse?

Kidnapped a Mormon missionary to serve as her sex slave?  (Boy, talk about faith in action!)

One can’t help but wonder what makes her tick.  Any suggestions, readers?  (Reasonably family-friendly ones, please!)



  1. I remember the Joyce McKinney story and a memorable quote about 'skiing naked down Everest with a rose between her teeth'

  2. For a while, used to live in Joyce's basement, nice woman.

    But boy, could she talk the hind leg off a ………

  3. Maybe it should check for:
    Urinary tract infection, Kidney infection/decease, kidney stones, enlarged prostate, cancer, etc.

    I wonder if gynecologists in these days are being trained in tactile checking of prostrate glands.

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